Some data from the State of Texas

From 1980 to 2005, the population of Texas as a whole rose from 14.2 million to 22.9 million, or about 60.7 percent. Over the same time period, the number of Texans aged 65 and over grew at a faster rate, 65.7 percent, from 1.4 million to 2.3 million.

In 2006, 48.3 percent of Texans were White; 35.7 percent were Hispanic; 11.4 percent were Black; and 4.6 percent fell into the “other” category, which includes persons of American Indian, Asian and Hawaiian descent, among others. This is in contrast to the U.S. as a whole, which was 66.4 percent White, 14.8 percent Hispanic, 12.3 percent Black and 6.6 percent “other” (Exhibit 3).4 Hispanics are the fastest-growing population group in Texas. The Hispanic population in Texas has grown by 10.9 percent since 2000, when Hispanics accounted for 32 percent of the Texas population.5

Texas became a “majority-minority” state in 2004, meaning various ethnic minority populations now outnumber Whites. Other “majority-minority” states include Hawaii, New Mexico and California.

By 2020, the Texas Hispanic population is expected to outnumber the White population (Exhibit 8). Between 2000 and 2040 the Hispanic population will triple in Texas’ urban areas, from 5.9 million to 17.2 million. In rural areas, the Hispanic population is expected to double, from 777,000 to 1.6 million.15

In 1980, the Hispanic population of Texas was just under 3 million.16 By 2040, there will be 18.8 million Hispanics in Texas.17 This projection indicates that the Hispanic population will grow by 530 percent from 1980 to 2040. These changes are being driven both by high immigration rates and high birth rates.

"Demographics," Window on State Government, published by the State of Texas

Interesting. I found this boilerplate interesting if you put it after the figures, but not before:

Our growing population is becoming older, less rural and more diverse. These changes will require business and community leaders to address the needs of maintaining and building our infrastructure, coping with the cost of health care and providing the educational system we need to compete in a global economy.

What are they really saying here?


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